Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I like it better when it doesn't exist.

Can't stop listening to Carry the Zero by Built to Spill. Possibly my addiction song of this week.

Got a postcard today from Borneo. 

Meanwhile, I'm stuck in real life. 

Whatever that is. 

I think I'm bored. 
I found this today. Tonight I end sort of unofficially my month-long housesitting gig in the mountains in the middle of nowhere outside of Las Vegas. A part of me is glad to be getting out of here. Another part of me is anxiety-ridden about going back to the house. I'd like to move sooner than May/June/July. Can we fast-forward please? I hope it's better than what I think it's going to be. I'm so tired all of the time. I woke up this morning and went to mountain-hood gas station for a fill up before my trek to Vegas. It was early and someone was burning a campfire. The sun was warm and the air was slightly cool. There was a woman outside of the gas station drinking a cup of tea with her eyes closed and her face, warm and smiling to the sun. There were some local dogs lounging around the doorway. The lady at the gas station knows me now. She says hello. For the first time in a bit, I feel really excited about the moment, about the immediate future. Somehow, I'm reminded of the same feelings I would get in Telluride. Mountain towns are nice, if you're just visiting.  Next week I will tell my bosses I'm leaving. Often, I feel like a jerk.